Competitors — Enter up Tuesday May 31, 2016 for first CWWR of season on June 2, 2016.
Rodeo entries are the same as they have been in the past few years.
The entries for the first rodeo are May 31, 2016 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. All events except for the calf scramble must call in to enter up for the first rodeo of the season. Entry number is 970-923-9270.
For entries after the first rodeo, your event may require phone entry throughout the rodeo season or pre-sign up sheet, at the previous week’s rodeo. Bull riding and mutton bustin are call-in entries throughout the rodeo season. Open and Junior Barrels are call-in for the contestants first rodeo of the season. i.e. Barrel racers must have previously entered and paid this rodeo season and then they will be allowed to pre-sign up. If Open or Junior Barrel Racers didn’t compete in the previous weeks rodeo they have to call-in and enter. Calf Scramble participants can sign up the night of the rodeo. Every other event does allow a pre-sign up from the previous week’s rodeo. Team ropers for rodeos after the first rodeo, you can call the entry line number if you weren’t able to pre-sign up.
How to Register
Call-ins will be from 6:00pm – 8:00pm each Tuesday, starting May 31, 2016. The entry phone number is 970-923-9270 which is the same as Snowmass Rodeo. Open and junior barrel racers who did not compete the previous week and sign up must use the call-in line. Mutton busters must use the call-in line every week.
We are experiencing technical difficulties with our on-line waiver form. So we are asking that you fill out the participant waiver form by downloading our printable form, fill it out and bring it to your first rodeo of the season. Clink on this link and print the Waiver Agreement
On the evening of the Rodeo, there will be a sign-in sheet for ONLY the next week’s rodeo. Contestants may register on rodeo night at the rodeo grounds for the performance next week for all events EXCEPT Mutton busting.
Ropers – you will need to make sure who you are roping with prior to calling or signing up for the next week’s rodeo. On the night of the rodeo, team ropers, dally ribbon ropers and barrel racers must pay by 5:30 pm and all other contestants must pay by 7:15pm.
Contestant check in times the night of the performance are as follows:
• Bulls 7:00 pm
• Team roping and dally ribbon ropers and barrel racers 5:30 pm
• All others by 7:15 pm sharp — including Mutton Busters!
To Check – In, please see Katie Ford, Carbondale Rodeo Secretary , at the Secretary’s Window
2016 Entry Fees
Entry Fees are as follows:
- Bull Riding – $50
- Junior Bull Riding – $30
- Steer Riding – $25
- Team Roping- $30 per person ($60 per team)
- Ranch Bronc Riding – $50
- Ladies Breakaway Roping – $40
- Junior Breakaway Roping – $20
- Dally Ribbon Roping – $25 per person ($50 per team)
- Open Barrel Racing – $40
- Junior Barrel Racing – $20 (*Note: Beginning June 10, 2014 the age has been changed to 13 and under.) (*Note: Junior and Open Barrels Rule Change — Effective July 23, 2015. Junior age barrel racers can enter the Open Barrels but cannot enter both the Junior and Open Barrels in the same rodeo.)
- Steer Riding $25
- Cowhide Race – $20 per team. Age to participate lowered to 14 effective at July 9, 2015 Carbondale Wild West Rodeo.