Join us July 4th for a star spangled celebration. Come early and you’ll receive one of the miniature flags to show your pride in the Good Old U. S. of A. We will have a sheepdog demonstration by Bridget Strang of Strang Ranch (National Sheepdog Finals there Sept. 10-15th ),
Garfield County Fair and Rodeo Royalty will be performing a special routine as well as continuing to ride in the Grand Entry and carry flags. The royalty are as follows — Queen Ashley Doose, Jr. Queen Victoria Shackelford, and Princess Addison Ellibee. Both Ranch Bronc Riding and CowHide Race will be held to raise the thrill and spill level of your favorite rodeo performance; the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo.
Bring your own food or buy from our vendors. The rainbow snocones from Senior Matters, popcorn from the Black Sheep 4-H Club and Roaring Fork High School Volleyball, ice cream delights from the Carbondale Creamery and Cafe and the kicked up bbq of Slow Groovin will be sure to add a sparkle to your 4th. Carbondale Wild West Rodeo t-shirts are tossed into the stands each week by our pickup men. This could be your lucky week!
Carbondale Wild West Rodeo is the hot spot for your Independence Day celebrations.