Wild West Rodeo

For 12 Weeks in June through August - Rain or Shine

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April 15, 2021

Changes to Admission in 2021

The Carbondale Wild West Rodeo is pleased that plans to hold the 2021 Carbondale Wild West Rodeo are moving forward. Your CWWRA board has decided on a few changes to admissions as we plan on the first rodeo since the fall of 2019. At this time we are planning for a June 3rd kick off to the rodeo season. We currently plan on holding the 12 season rodeo. Any changes to the schedule will be posted on this website and facebook. The rodeo will adhere to any current town, county and state Covid-19 restrictions at the time of the rodeos. We ask your cooperation in following any requirements to help us be able to enjoy a long-waited-for 2021 Carbondale Wild West Rodeo season.

General admission will remain at $10 for 11 years old and older, admission is free for 10 years and under. In order to not have to raise the cost of general admission as expenses to put on the rodeo have greatly increased; the rodeo board has decided to do away with the carload price. This will also help in speeding up the entrance to the rodeo grounds and improve the safety, as the volunteers at the gate won’t have to decide if the amount of people in the vehicle exceeds the carload qualifications and will avoid any possible conflicts with car occupants regarding carload rates.

You will still be able to purchase a book of 6 tickets at the Roaring Fork Valley Co-op for $50, a savings of $10.

We truly look forward to seeing you and in the meantime we send our best wishes for everyone’s health and well being. Stay safe out there and we’ll see you soon.

More info can be found at:

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Welcome to the Rodeo

The Carbondale Rodeo Committee is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization committed to keeping the Roaring Fork Valley’s western heritage alive by offering a fun family-oriented event for residents and visitors alike. The Carbondale Wild West Rodeo is held every Thursday from June until late August, rain or shine.

2024 Rodeo Season

The 2024 rodeo season will begin on Thursday, June 6th, and continue through Thursday, August 22nd. Come down to the rodeo every Thursday evening for 12 weeks. 

  • Gates open at 5 pm 
  • Slack is at 5:45 pm
  • Grand Entry is at 7:30
Get Involved

Join us in preserving the Western heritage of the Roaring Fork Valley by volunteering for the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo! Contribute to a meaningful cause, build lasting connections, and enjoy personal satisfaction in supporting a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the spirit of the Wild West. Whether you're experienced with livestock or not, there's a role for you. Sign up today and make a difference at the Carbondale Rodeo!


To volunteer, email Mike Kennedy at:
[email protected]  or call at:
(970) 379-3907.

Reserve Arena Fence Parking

We are excited to continue the premium arena fence online parking reservation system for the 2024 season!

Arena fence parking tickets go on sale every Wednesday starting at noon through the rodeo season and typically sell out within minutes.

Remember, leaving your vehicles at the arena or on Willow Lane early is no longer allowed. 

Learn more about premium arena fence parking tickets HERE.