I want to apologize that Photos and Results have been oftentimes late this season thus far. Our photographers Tenley Steinke and Paula Mayer have been very professional, taken excellent photos, edited them quickly, and attempted to get them to me only to be thwarted frequently by an uncooperative photo storage program.
This has also affected our results as a photo of some sorts is required to load results to our webpage. I may use a placeholder photo temporarily to accomplish loading the results. Our rodeo secretary Katie Ford does an excellent job and gets me results promptly. Our webpage developer has attempted to work us through a fix but it has been unsuccessful. We do have a request into the software company for assistance and hope to have the issue resolved soon.
So in short, between the IT problems and a very packed three weeks of personal and business meetings and events, I have been very tardy in getting the webpage updated. Our photo sharing and storing program has only worked in occasional fits and bursts or only randomly allowing limited users and denying access to others. Sorry for boring you with the details and thank you for your patience. Please tell the photographers and rodeo secretary how much we appreciate their efforts to provide amazing photos and results in a professional efficient manner.
Thanks again, Ginny Harrington, CWWRA Website Assistant