Wild West Rodeo

For 12 Weeks in June through August - Rain or Shine

Mike Kennedy, CWWRA Board Pres.
February 9, 2019

CWWR Board President Welcome to the 2019 Series

Welcome to the 2019 Carbondale Wild West Rodeo Series! We hope you are as excited to be here as we are! The Rodeo is now in its 15th season and promises to be as fun and exciting as ever! Lots of great rodeo action, good food and good friends are at the rodeo every Thursday night all summer.

Again this year, we will have the traditional Grand Entry start to the rodeo each week! We will once again be offering two $1,000 scholarships to deserving contestants or volunteers for use in a college or trade school. Watch for application details on the CWWRA web site. In addition, “Time to Ride”, brought to you by Alpine Animal Hospital will be back this season, watch the web site for details. We will again present the “Trent Goscha Sportsmanship Award”, given to a deserving rodeo and/or Gymkhana participant. Watch for details on the web site regarding how to nominate someone that you feel deserves this award. We will also be presenting a new saddle at the end of the season to the top money winner in two events or more (All-Around Winner).

As always, we have many people to thank this year, because without these individuals and groups, the rodeo series would not be possible. So, in no particular order, here we go!

First a big thank you to our sponsors. Without the sponsorship of numerous businesses and individuals, we would not have the financial ability to do this. New sponsors are always welcome, so if you are looking for a great way to advertise and support the rodeo at the same time, please talk to us. We urge all the spectators and contestants alike, to support these sponsors who support the CWWRA!

We would like to thank the contestants young and old, who show up week after week and compete, putting on an excellent show for everyone to enjoy. We especially appreciate the young competitors and their parents who support them. They will carry the rodeo into the future!

Next, we would like to thank you The spectators who support the rodeo with your presence, week after week, rain or shine. We love your enthusiasm for the sport of rodeo and we hope that you enjoy the rodeo series we all have worked hard to bring to Carbondale every year.

Lastly, we would like to thank the volunteers who show up every week and help make this rodeo happen. Without these volunteers (in the red shirts), we could not produce this rodeo series. So if you see one of these dedicated people, please tell them “thank you”. They will appreciate that you noticed!

The Carbondale Wild West Rodeo Association (CWWRA) is a non-profit 50l(c) (3) corporation dedicated to keeping the Western Heritage alive in Carbondale. It is run by a volunteer Board of Directors who spend countless hours planning and producing the Rodeo Series with no financial compensation.

The Board sincerely hopes you enjoy the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo! If you have questions, please feel free to ask one of the volunteers or stop by the Secretary’s shed and someone will assist you.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a great 2019 Rodeo Season!


Mike Kennedy, President

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Welcome to the Rodeo

The Carbondale Rodeo Committee is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization committed to keeping the Roaring Fork Valley’s western heritage alive by offering a fun family-oriented event for residents and visitors alike. The Carbondale Wild West Rodeo is held every Thursday from June until late August, rain or shine.

2024 Rodeo Season

The 2024 rodeo season will begin on Thursday, June 6th, and continue through Thursday, August 22nd. Come down to the rodeo every Thursday evening for 12 weeks. 

  • Gates open at 5 pm 
  • Slack is at 5:45 pm
  • Grand Entry is at 7:30
Get Involved

Join us in preserving the Western heritage of the Roaring Fork Valley by volunteering for the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo! Contribute to a meaningful cause, build lasting connections, and enjoy personal satisfaction in supporting a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the spirit of the Wild West. Whether you're experienced with livestock or not, there's a role for you. Sign up today and make a difference at the Carbondale Rodeo!


To volunteer, email Mike Kennedy at:
[email protected]  or call at:
(970) 379-3907.

Reserve Arena Fence Parking

We are excited to continue the premium arena fence online parking reservation system for the 2024 season!

Arena fence parking tickets go on sale every Wednesday starting at noon through the rodeo season and typically sell out within minutes.

Remember, leaving your vehicles at the arena or on Willow Lane early is no longer allowed. 

Learn more about premium arena fence parking tickets HERE.