Wild West Rodeo

For 12 Weeks in June through August - Rain or Shine

ranch broncs 2019
May 22, 2021

Ranch Broncs and Hide Race On Deck at First Rodeo — June 3rd

Ranch Bronc Riders and Cowhide Race Contestants Don’t Miss Out!

Both events are scheduled for the 1st and last rodeos of the season, June 3rd and August 19th. They alternate after the first rodeo with the following schedules and details. Please tell your fellow contestants.

Ranch Broncs

This 2021 season Ranch Broncs will be held the first and last week of rodeo, then every other week, and the finals week for a total of 7 weeks., rotating with Hide Race except for first and last rodeo when it will be held consecutively — Schedule for Ranch Broncs as follows June 3rd, June 17th, July 1st, July 15th, July 29th, August 12th and Finals — August 19th. It is a ‘ride as ride can’. The Ranch Bronc Rider must stay on the horse for the 8 second ride. A standard, working ranch saddle is used for the Ranch Bronc Ride and the horse is saddled as it would be for everyday ranch work. The broncs (horses) wear a bronc halter with one rein for the rider to hold onto. This is called a “bronc rein” or a “hack rein”. Ranch Bronc Riders are allowed to hold onto the saddle horn, cantle, or a night latch (a rope or strap tied through the gullet of the saddle) with their free hand (the one not holding the hack rein). Riders are not disqualified by a loss of a stirrup and there is no “mark out” rule — the Ranch Bronc Rider does not have to have the rowels of his/her spurs touching the break of the broncs’ shoulders on the first jump out of the chute until the broncs’ feet hit the ground. There are still two judges that score both the rider and the bronc, with 100 points possible.

Cowhide Race

The Hide Race will now be held June 3rd (along with the Ranch Broncs) then, June 10th, June 24th, July 8th, July 22nd, August 5th and on finals night, August 19th. Age to participate lowered to 14 effective beginning on July 9, 2015 Carbondale Wild West Rodeo. Bring it on youth participants! We know you have the skills to challenge your more senior Hide Race Contestants. A fun and fast sport, cowhide racing (Hide Race) made its debut as an official event in 2011. A horseback rider starts at the chute end of the arena and races to the far end where a cowboy or cowgirl stands next to a cowhide with a rope attached. The cowboy/cowgirl on the ground tosses the rope to the rider and ‘hits the deck’ as the rider circles the hide. The rider grabs the rope, dallys to the saddlehorn and the ride is on as the horse pulls the ground person back to the chute end of the arena which is the start and finish line. The ground person must remain on the hide to complete the race. The fastest team wins. Team members must be 14 years or older. $150 added money for each night scheduled.

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Welcome to the Rodeo

The Carbondale Rodeo Committee is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization committed to keeping the Roaring Fork Valley’s western heritage alive by offering a fun family-oriented event for residents and visitors alike. The Carbondale Wild West Rodeo is held every Thursday from June until late August, rain or shine.

2024 Rodeo Season

The 2024 rodeo season will begin on Thursday, June 6th, and continue through Thursday, August 22nd. Come down to the rodeo every Thursday evening for 12 weeks. 

  • Gates open at 5 pm 
  • Slack is at 5:45 pm
  • Grand Entry is at 7:30
Get Involved

Join us in preserving the Western heritage of the Roaring Fork Valley by volunteering for the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo! Contribute to a meaningful cause, build lasting connections, and enjoy personal satisfaction in supporting a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the spirit of the Wild West. Whether you're experienced with livestock or not, there's a role for you. Sign up today and make a difference at the Carbondale Rodeo!


To volunteer, email Mike Kennedy at:
[email protected]  or call at:
(970) 379-3907.

Reserve Arena Fence Parking

We are excited to continue the premium arena fence online parking reservation system for the 2024 season!

Arena fence parking tickets go on sale every Wednesday starting at noon through the rodeo season and typically sell out within minutes.

Remember, leaving your vehicles at the arena or on Willow Lane early is no longer allowed. 

Learn more about premium arena fence parking tickets HERE.