Your Carbondale Wild West Rodeo Association Board looks forward to when we can be up close and personal cheering on our great rodeo contestants, enjoying a snocone from Senior Matters, some awesome barbecue, popcorn from 4-H and a lot of laughter and thrills. We miss you all and have been planning all winter and spring for a fantastic 2020 Carbondale Wild West Rodeo Season. However, we want to practice caution and insure that all are safe when we gather together again. We will rodeo when the Town of Carbondale allows use of the Gus Darien Arena and for people to gather together in groups. As soon as we know an opening date we will let you know here and on our facebook page
It is unlikely that we will be able to hold a full 12 week series this year.
Here’s our facebook message on the rodeo this summer
Check back often to find out the latest.
We send out our best wishes for health, happiness and prosperity for all. We know that this has been a tough season with loss of income for many and such an abrupt change in all our lives. We send our heartfelt condolences for those who have lost someone in their lives. Until we can meet again, keep your cinch tight and hold on for this ride that we call life. You never know when it will try to buck you off. One thing we believe is that you all are resilient and we can overcome this challenge together.